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Faith Formation

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of age."

(Mt 28:19-20)

As Parents, God has given you two important gifts - your Catholic Faith and your children. He has also given you the privilege of teaching your child so many life skills. You may not have your own gourmet cooking show on TV, but you teach your child to cook. You may not be NFL caliber, but you teach your child how to throw a football. You go to all those games and events in support of what your child is learning. You may not always be an expert in what you teach your child, but your love and support are what they need most of all. They know you care. You are THERE.


Your child also needs your support in learning "eternal life skills," by coming to know the Love of Christ. By your own baptism and your marriage, you already have the grace you need, as well as the commission " bring your child up the in the Ways of Faith"(Baptismal Rite). Our Faith Community promises to help you to be the best of teachers for your children through "coaching" sessions. We will not take over the job you can do the best, but we hope we can help make it easier.


Please support our Faith Formation program and make time to share your faith with your children. It is an important life skill they will be glad you shared with them.

Safe Environment Declination Statement Form for parents of Faith Formation Students  

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